Find Out How Much Cash You Can Get For Your Note Today
You’re no doubt talking with several note buyers you found searching the internet. That’s a smart approach because you can find the company that you like working with the best and that gives you the best price.
One thing to consider is that when buying a note, the offer price and the information given are usually related. The more we know about a note, the more we can offer, generally. In situations where it doesn’t allow us to offer more, it gives us confidence that we won’t discover something later in the process that requires us to reduce, or ‘fade’, our bid to you.
Note sellers that we work with often comment that we’re more thorough than other sellers they’re talking to. This is usually because other sellers will ask 3-5 questions, figure out if they’re covered by the equity, and bid to their required return. While this allows for an easy process, you as the seller are potentially leaving money on the table because the buyer is probably bidding low to protect themselves from any unknown factors they might not have asked about.
We ask that you take the time to engage with us, discuss your note and your situation, and allow us to come up with a bid that is truly custom to your situation.
We look forward to talking with you.
Sell All Or Part Of Your
Mortgage Note For Cash Today!
Unlock Your Investment Faster And
Have Cash In Your Hand Within 30 Business Days: Start Here
If you’re currently holding a private seller carryback note, trust deed, promissory note, land contract, or any other type of private note secured by real estate anywhere in the country (we buy notes in all 50 states) … and want to turn some or all of the remaining payments on the note into cash TODAY, we can help.
We work with people every week who are curious about how much cash they can get for their real estate notes, and we can help you too!
Whether they need cash to pay off other debts, reinvest those funds into another investment for a higher return, or maybe they’re just tired of handling the administration, collection headaches, and risk that can come with holding a note.
What do all of these people have in common??
You want cash today vs. waiting it out to receive the payments over a long period of time:
- You want to find a solution FAST
- You want to avoid paying for any unnecessary fees that can come with selling an asset (closing costs, title insurance, etc.) – We pay all of those costs for you.
- You’re ready to move on and you want to work with someone that can take you through the process from start to finish
- To get started, just fill out the form here, or check out the other options below to find the method that works best for you
To sell your private mortgage note, just fill out the quick form below. Or give us a call right now at 214-225-6479.
Interested In How Much Cash You Can Get For Your Note?
Valuing a note is a process that requires more information than most companies will ask for. They will rush you to commit to a price, only to reduce (or fade) their bid after collecting all the required information. That’s not how we do business. We want to ensure that the price we quote is as close as possible to the cash we’ll be able to put in your bank account at closing. There are three options to get you a free, no-obligation price on you note:
Complete the Online Worksheet
This option takes about 20 minutes and will ask you all of the information we’ll need to know about your note (term, interest rate, unpaid balance, etc.), including details around the current borrower (employment, credit, etc.). This information is very important in getting you the most cash possible for your note.
Print the Worksheet in PDF Format
We get it, sometimes it’s easier to fill this information out by hand. If that seems easier to you, you can download our mortgage worksheet here, fill it out, and email it back to us at You can even mail it back to us the old fashioned way to our physical mailing address:
Gardiner Capital Group
13101 Preston Rd.
Ste 110 – 1042
Dallas TX 75240 -
Once we receive the information about your mortgage note, we’ll contact you to discuss your options.
Call Us – 214-225-6479
This option is probably the fastest way to get us the information we’ll need to give you a firm cash price on your note. This option also takes approximately 20-30 minutes where we’ll learn as much about your note as we can in order to give you as much cash as we possible can. Remember, anyone that is not asking you for this kind of information may either lower their price later, or simply offer you a lower price to reduce their risk. There’s simply no other way.
Unlock The Cash Stuck In Your Note Below!
We buy real estate notes, mortgages, and other types of notes fast. Put your address and email below and answer 5 easy questions on the next page to get a cash offer in 24 hours!
“…private mortgage notes can be sold and thus converted into cash. The amount they sell for is based on the principal balance, the number of payments that have been made (referred to as “seasoning”), the number of remaining payments, the home’s (or other asset) appraised value and the borrower’s creditworthiness.